Paper Abstract:
The tremendous previous studies attempted to explain information and communication (ICT) acceptance using a range of theoretical models, which have the important implications for understanding the users behavior in the earlier stage of the ICT usage life cycle. However, few studies have attempted to explain the other side, non-acceptance, the phenomenon that people do not accept a given ICT. The principal aims of this study is to identify inductively the factors influencing ICT non-acceptance using grounded theory that is a methodology for the discovery of theory from qualitative data, which are obtained and analyzed systematically using a code paradigm to ensure conceptual development and density. The target technology is Kakaopay, which is one of online payment systems in Korea, provided by Kakaotalk, one of world famous social network service providers. Data was collected from a total of 72 Korea university students (Male: 52, Female: 20) and, the codes were extracted and classified using two coding methods: open coding and axis coding. From open coding, the following four codes were extracted from the data: newness aversion, visibility, relative advantage, and risk concern. Via axis coding, a process to find classifications of codes extracted from open coding, these codes are classified into two main groups, status quo maintenance and expected value: the former includes newness aversion and visibility and the latter relative advantage and rick concern. In a view of dual-processing theory, status quo maintenance is included in system 1 thinking and expected value in system 2 thinking. |